Determination of the physicochemical properties of boric acid for emergency conditions of WWER


  • Andrei Morozov State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation – Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Joint-Stock Company, Obninsk
  • Azamat Sakhipgareev State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation – Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Joint-Stock Company, Obninsk
  • Aleksandr Shlepkin State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation – Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Joint-Stock Company, Obninsk
  • Aleksandra Soshkina State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation – Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Joint-Stock Company, Obninsk


WWER, emergency mode, boric acid, properties


The paper presents the results of experimental studies of the physicochemical properties of aqueous solutions of boric acid. The technique and installation for carrying out researches are described. The results of experimental measurements of the pH of aqueous solutions of boric acid in a wide range of concentrations are presented, and approximating dependences are obtained.  As a result of the studies carried out at JSC "SSC RF - PEI", experimental data were obtained on the physicochemical properties of highly concentrated solutions of orthoboric acid under parameters typical for emergency modes of NPP with WWER. The results obtained make it possible to significantly expand the range of known parameters of H3BO3 solutions. After the experiments, the obtained data on the acidity of aqueous solutions of boric acid were compared with those available in the literature. Experimental data are of great practical importance for NPP with new generation WWER reactor plants equipped with passive safety systems. They can will be used: 1) when assessing the effect of boric acid on the parameters of the water-chemical regime of the primary circuit of NPPs with WWER reactors, both in normal operation and in the event of an accident; 2) to refine the results of calculations of emergency heat removal processes in a reactor plant, carried out both using one-dimensional calculation programs and three-dimensional CFD codes.


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How to Cite

Morozov А., Sakhipgareev А., Shlepkin А., & Soshkina А. (2019). Determination of the physicochemical properties of boric acid for emergency conditions of WWER. Energy Systems, 4(1), 67–73. Retrieved from