Study of heat recovery process inside a lining of a high-temperature plant using thermal decomposition of methane


  • Evgeny Neshporenko Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk
  • Sergey Kartavtcev Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk
  • Svetlana Ivanova Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk


energy balance, high-temperature process, methane thermal decomposition, cooling of lining, energy efficiency


The paper has suggested the mathematical model of the heat recovery process inside the high-temperature plant`s lining using thermal decomposition of methane in conditions of high-temperature plants cooling. The examined model allows evaluation of regenerative heat use possibility to reduce heat losses through the enclosure of high-temperature plant by utilizing the heat of a liquid heat carrier which can increase high-temperature process productiveness. All high-temperature plants have a primary objective – ensure process continuity with minimal fuel flow rate using the energy of primary as well as secondary energy resources (SER). In pyrolysis conditions, methane is the most thermally stable because methane thermal decomposition happens at a temperature higher than 560°C. However, when methane reaches a significant speed of movement it decomposes at a temperature of about 900°C, and temperature 1400°C breaks up to carbon and oxygen. Natural gas, as an energy carrier, has many advantages and in comparison, with the other fuel types, it can be used to the full extent because it is easy to organize its complete combustion with minimal heat losses. It should be noted that natural gas has no ballast or harmful substances, it possesses high heat value and its combustion creates high temperatures.


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How to Cite

Neshporenko Е., Kartavtcev С., & Ivanova С. (2020). Study of heat recovery process inside a lining of a high-temperature plant using thermal decomposition of methane. Energy Systems, 5(1), 209–218. Retrieved from