Classification of waters, used by energy facilities, by summary antioxidant activity value


  • Marina Kalayda Kazan state power engineering university, Kazan
  • Maria Gordeeva Kazan state power engineering university, Kazan


basins of energy facilities, water quality, composite indicator, antioxidant activity, water clusters, index of water structure


The paper, using the cluster approach, executes water classification for cooling basins at the energy facilities by the summary of the antioxidant activity value. The index of water structure has been suggested which is defined by the general antioxidant activity and trophic coefficient of water. In case of technical use, it is possible to choose water with the lowest index values. The paper gives recommendations on the summary of the antioxidant activity of water values at the water intakes and outputs of CHP.        


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2020-11-25 — Updated on 2020-11-25


How to Cite

Kalayda М., & Gordeeva М. (2020). Classification of waters, used by energy facilities, by summary antioxidant activity value. Energy Systems, 5(1), 219–227. Retrieved from