Data analysis of the effectiveness of dual-fuel combined-cycle plants with the parallel scheme of operation


  • Anastasiia Voronkova Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk


dual-fuel combined-cycle plant, parallel type of combined-cycle plant, subcritical parameters of steam, supercritical parameters of steam, coal-fired power generation


The paper examines the effectiveness of dual-fuel combined-cycle plants that operate with different initial steam parameters. It presents analysis results of the plant`s technical and economic parameters, capital expenses evaluation, and the possibility of the examined technology be implemented in the discussed region. The calculation results have shown that the use of a dual-fuel combined-cycle plant with the parallel scheme of operation allows to increase electrical power generation efficiency by an average of 22% in comparison to a coal power plant mode of operation. Besides, the transition to the combined-cycle plant mode allows to cut back on specific equivalent fuel consumption by 21%. Transition to the supercritical steam parameters increases the efficiency parameters of the power generating unit by an average of 2%.     


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How to Cite

Voronkova А. (2020). Data analysis of the effectiveness of dual-fuel combined-cycle plants with the parallel scheme of operation. Energy Systems, 5(1), 249–255. Retrieved from