Improvement of environmental conditions and safety of a metropolitan city by energy industrial complex modernization


  • Olga Chekhranova National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Moscow


energy efficiency, city`s heat supply, secondary energy resources, heat pump plant, low-grade sources of energy, heat supply, heat pump


This article analyses the current state of the heat and power complex in Krasnoyarsk city. It presents the developed measures for heat supply sources improvement, finding advanced sources, and calculation of their theoretical and practical thermal potential considering economic feasibility. There has been conducted the complex calculation and analysis of coordination between Krasnoyarsk heat supply and sources that use the secondary and low-grade heat.


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How to Cite

Chekhranova О. (2020). Improvement of environmental conditions and safety of a metropolitan city by energy industrial complex modernization. Energy Systems, 5(1), 283–289. Retrieved from

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