Development of a mathematical model of a gas turbine plant with a low-emission combustion chamber and features of integration into the SimInTech environment


  • Igor Myravev Ivanovo State Power Engineering University named after V.I. Lenin
  • Danil Shinkevich Ivanovo State Power Engineering University named after V.I. Lenin


simulation modeling, NOx emission, combustion temperature, moisture content, calculated characteristics


The results of the development of a mathematical model of a gas turbine plant (GTP) SGT5-4000F with an annular low-emission combustion chamber are presented. This plant has a low NOx emission and a high coefficient of performance (COP). The obtained results of mathematical modeling are integrated into the domestic environment of dynamic modeling of technical systems "SimInTech". The obtained results were verified by comparing the model values with the trends of the real technological parameters of the gas turbine unit taken from the archive of the automated process control system of the power plant. According to the results of the experimental studies carried out on the model with changes in the electrical load from 280 to 160 MW, it is shown that the model allows you to control the combustion process in the combustion chamber, depending on the composition of the fuel, evaluate the change in NOx emissions and provide an analysis of the stability of the gas turbine compressor according to surging in conditions of changing temperature and humidity of the incoming air.


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Author Biographies

Igor Myravev, Ivanovo State Power Engineering University named after V.I. Lenin

Cand. of Tech. Sciences, PhD, Department of Control Systems.

Danil Shinkevich, Ivanovo State Power Engineering University named after V.I. Lenin




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How to Cite

Myravev И., & Shinkevich Д. (2022). Development of a mathematical model of a gas turbine plant with a low-emission combustion chamber and features of integration into the SimInTech environment. Energy Systems, 7(1), 27–36. Retrieved from