Evaluation of the reduction of the fees for the consumption of electricity when the half-hour maximum reduces


  • Ahmad Alzakkar Institute of Electric Power Engineering of Kazan State Power Engineering University
  • Elena Gracheva Institute of Electric Power Engineering of Kazan State Power Engineering University


Half-hour maximum, power, two-part tariff, consumption, production


Due to high prices for energy resources, the energy component in the cost of production can be very significant and reach 60% or more at energy-intensive industrial enterprises. To reduce it, it is necessary not only to rationally use energy resources, develop and implement measures to save them, but also correctly declare the expected indicators of electricity consumption for the billing period (month, quarter, year), which are indicated in the contract with the energy supply organization for supply of electrical energy. This paper shows the calculation of the reduced costs; assessment of the reduction in fees for electricity consumption with a decrease in the half-hour maximum; assessment of damage in the regulation of maximum power.


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How to Cite

Alzakkar А., & Gracheva Е. (2022). Evaluation of the reduction of the fees for the consumption of electricity when the half-hour maximum reduces. Energy Systems, 7(2), 8–12. Retrieved from https://j-es.ru/index.php/journal/article/view/2022-2-001