Features of the calculation of unstationary heat transfer in the walls of rotating furnaces


  • Valery Kuznetsov Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


analytical model, mathematical modeling, rotary kiln, clinker firing, lining temperature, wall temperature, heat transfer


A refined calculation of the non-stationary temperature of the walls of a rotary kiln is proposed, taking into account the non-stationary thermal conductivity in the enclosing walls and the accumulation of heat in them, intended for use in numerical simulation of combustion and heat transfer processes. The influence on heat transfer of the alternating contact of the inner surface of the walls of a rotary kiln with a gaseous medium and a layer of technological material is considered. The adequacy of the method was verified by numerical solution of the differential equation of non-stationary thermal conductivity of walls in the conditions of a computational experiment.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsov В. (2022). Features of the calculation of unstationary heat transfer in the walls of rotating furnaces. Energy Systems, 7(3), 17–27. Retrieved from https://j-es.ru/index.php/journal/article/view/2022-3-002