The research and modeling of physical processes in a biogas production plant


  • Konstantin Kim Federal State Budget Educational Institution for Higher Education« Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University»
  • Irina Karpova Federal State Budget Educational Institution for Higher Education« Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University»


biogas plant, biomass, methane tank, induction heating, temperature, mixing


The use of induction heating in a biogas plant is considered. The original design is described, in which one node simultaneously performs the functions of a heater and an agitator. A mathematical model is considered that takes into account thermal and electromagnetic processes in a metatank with heated and mixed biomass. It is shown that at a frequency of currents that power the inductor coils equal to 50 Hz, the electromagnetic field created by these currents can be considered quasi-stationary, and it can be described using a vector magnetic potential. The task of studying the thermophysical processes occurring in the metatank cannot be solved analytically. The analysis of interrelated physical processes using numerical methods is performed for the stationary regime. The re-short-term power supply mode of heating elements is considered in order to reduce energy consumption. According to the developed computational model of heat transfer in a moving medium, the optimal characteristics of the functioning of the heater-agitator, providing a stationary thermophilic metatank mode – angular rotation speed ω = 0.7-0.8 rad/ s and a current load equal to Iw = 7000 A.


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How to Cite

Kim К., & Karpova И. (2022). The research and modeling of physical processes in a biogas production plant. Energy Systems, 7(3), 71–82. Retrieved from