Verification of the hypothesis of the possibility of measuring liquid pressure through a pipeline wall. Results of the study


  • Mikhail Kobylkin Transbaikal state university
  • Yuliya Rikker Transbaikal state university
  • Ilya Akimov Transbaikal state university


pressure, measurement, pipeline, energy saving, ecology, energy efficiency


Pressure is a key parameter in the work of many industrial enterprises, including those in the energy sector. Control and monitoring of this parameter ensures a stable and trouble-free flow of technological processes carried out in the course of the activities of these enterprises. Today, there is a problem that if there is no pressure gauge on the pipe, it is impossible to determine the current pressure inside the pipeline without inserting a pressure gauge into the body of this pipeline, which is possible only during the period of maintenance and commissioning or due to the implementation rather dangerous event, called "Push under pressure."  The need to create the possibility of prompt and timely control of pressure inside the pipelines of industrial enterprises is an urgent task for engineers and specialists in the field of energy. The purpose of the work: to test the hypothesis of the possibility of measuring the pressure of a liquid through the pipeline wall, based on the nature of the flow of dynamic thermal processes, to create an experimental prototype of a device that allows determining the final value of the pressure of the working fluid inside the pipeline. Results of the work: the relationship between the nature of the flow of thermal processes and the final value of pressure inside the pipeline has been established. A prototype of the device was developed and created, as well as an approbation stand, which made it possible to test the hypothesis.


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How to Cite

Kobylkin М. ., Rikker Ю. ., & Akimov И. . (2023). Verification of the hypothesis of the possibility of measuring liquid pressure through a pipeline wall. Results of the study. Energy Systems, 8(1), 63–71. Retrieved from