Multi-criteria evaluation of the efficiency of resource-saving measures in the engineering systems of standard buildings


  • Anna Gavrilova Samara State Technical University
  • Lyajsan Sagitova Samara State Technical University
  • Ilya CHichev Samara State Technical University


energy efficiency, DEA methodology, generalized efficiency criterion, multi-criteria assessment


Improving the energy efficiency of existing capital construction projects is an important and urgent task. To improve the efficiency of operation of residential apartment buildings, an analysis of existing measures for energy and resource saving was carried out, a set of particular criteria for the effectiveness of energy-saving measures for engineering systems of buildings was proposed, and the values of savings during their implementation for four types of houses were determined. A method for assessing the comparative effectiveness of energy-saving measures using the DEA multi-criteria assessment method (Data Envelopment Analysis) is proposed. Comprehensive performance criteria are formulated for the analysis of measures for heating, water supply and electricity supply systems. The use of the DEA methodology makes it possible to optimize the choice of priority areas for the implementation of resource saving measures for all types of buildings.


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How to Cite

Gavrilova А. ., Sagitova Л. ., & CHichev И. . (2023). Multi-criteria evaluation of the efficiency of resource-saving measures in the engineering systems of standard buildings. Energy Systems, 8(1), 99–105. Retrieved from