Consideration of environmental factors in load sharing between power stations of a system with hydroelectric plants


  • Vladimir Tremyasov Polytechnic Institute of SFU
  • Vyacheslav Kozhemyakin Polytechnic Institute of SFU


thermal power plants, reduction of harmful emissions, optimization model, cascade use of hydropower, linear programming


When distributing the load between power plants of the energy system, it is important to consider environmental factors from the stage of hydropower resource development in the region. In established power systems, one can reduce emissions by redistributing generation capacities between hydroelectric and thermal power plants, thus mitigating the harmful emissions from thermal power plants. The distribution of hydroelectric power plants across the region in a cascading manner will decrease the voltage class of power transmission. This, in turn, will reduce the area of clearings, ultimately minimizing the hazardous impact on the ecology of the area. It's essential to consider that certain parts of the energy system may require more than the compliance of maximum permissible concentrations as damage to both nature and economy can still arise. To investigate the potential for reducing emissions, an economic-mathematical model with a two-criteria target function is suggested. This model can be converted into a linear programming problem, which can enable the assessment of the extent to which emissions can be reduced through reallocating power system capacity. In allocating capacity between thermal power plants in the area, preference must be given to plants that use more eco-friendly fuels. In general, adhering to a specific regime can result in a 10-15% decrease in harmful emissions.


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How to Cite

Tremyasov В., & Kozhemyakin В. . (2023). Consideration of environmental factors in load sharing between power stations of a system with hydroelectric plants. Energy Systems, 8(2), 61–65. Retrieved from