Study of efficiency of heat transfer and operation of an excavator hydraulic drive when using regenerated oil


  • Elena Korochkina ISPU
  • Irina Pahotina ISPU


exchange, hydraulic drive, optimization, regeneration, excavator


This article discusses the technique of optimizing the desing of the exchanger for cooling the working fluid of the hydraulic drive of road-building machines on the example of excavator. The authors analyzed the effect jf the oil regeneration process on the operation of the excavator’s hydraulic system and the effect of regenerated oil on the operation of the regenerated oil on the operation of the excavator’s hydraulic drive heat exchanger, which serves to cool the excavator’s working fluid. The regeneration of used oils is one of the most promising ways to save lubrications, as well protect the environment from getting into it both directly oils and combustion products during their disposal. Unlike oil liquid fuels, waste oils do not evaporate and are less susceptible to biodegradation. At the present stage of development of the human community, there is still no objective possibility of creating a waste-free system for ensuring its vilal activity. However, the organization of rational use of natural resources is quite possible. One of the ways to solve this problem is to develop new and improve existing technologies for the conversion of raw materials, in particular, the regeneration of used oils. Up to 15 liters of oil circulates in the hydraulic system. The price of oil is quite high. Therefore, it is advisable to use regenerated oil from resources and improving the ecological situation.


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How to Cite

Korochkina Е., & Pahotina И. (2023). Study of efficiency of heat transfer and operation of an excavator hydraulic drive when using regenerated oil. Energy Systems, 8(2), 67–74. Retrieved from