Remote leak detection in thermal power pipeline systems


  • Svetlana Sazonova Voronezh State Technical University
  • Sergey Korablin Voronezh State Technical University
  • Nikolay Mozgovoy Voronezh State Technical University


thermal power hydraulic systems, heat supply systems, leaks, mathematical model, monitoring of the technical condition of the system, program information processing


The features of the development of technical diagnostic methods for remote control of the parameters of the operation of thermal power pipeline systems are considered, with a main focus on heat supply systems, including leak detection, as well as in the creation of software for automated control systems. Mathematical models for remote leak detection are proposed, implemented using software for regular monitoring and maintenance to ensure reliable operation of the systems under consideration. It is shown that the creation of algorithms and a system is required to detect leaks, including determining their location and scale. The created software can be used for automated control and monitoring of a thermal power system based on the results of the study. Based on the collected data related to the parameters of the heat supply system, such as pressure, gas flow and others, it is possible to build a statistical model that may include the probability distribution, expected values and variances of the parameters. The solution to the problem of specific leak detection may vary depending on the type of heat supply and the technologies used. It is shown that the study will contribute to improving the reliability and safety of heat supply systems by providing more effective detection and control of leaks and other anomalies in the operation of pipeline systems.


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How to Cite

Sazonova С., Korablin С., & Mozgovoy Н. (2023). Remote leak detection in thermal power pipeline systems. Energy Systems, 8(3), 24–30. Retrieved from