The concept of modernizing electrical substations in the energy system of the Belgorod region using digital technologies and solutions


  • Dmitriy Prasol BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
  • Andrey Saenko Branch of Public Joint stock company «Rosseti Centre» - «Belgorodenergo»


digital substation, IEC 61850 standard, digital transformation 2030, intelligent electronic devices, local area network, relay protection and automation


The work is devoted to the current topic of using digital technologies and solutions in modern electric power industry and the concept of digital transformation of electrical energy. The issue of organizing and constructing digital substations is considered as one of the leading trends in the modern electric power industry. The paper presents the main technical and organizational solutions typical for the construction of digital substations based on open protocols of the international standard IEC 61850 “Networks and communication systems in substations.” A general assessment of the condition of step-down substations in the power system of the Belgorod region is given. As an object of study, the diagram of one of the typical substations in the power system of the Belgorod region is presented and analyzed. For the considered substation, a concept for its modernization has been proposed using digital technologies and solutions to comply with the term “Digital Substation” and in accordance with the requirements of the international standard IEC 61850. Moreover, the modernization concept is proposed both taking into account the achievement of the necessary substation control functions, and in accordance with the existing level domestic energy industry and the state of the region's electrical networks. The proposed modernization will lead to an increase in the level of controllability and observability of the substation, a reduction in the costs of monitoring and self-diagnosis of secondary connections, and an increase in the level of intelligent control of the operating mode of power equipment and secondary systems. In addition, it will ensure the gradual modernization of existing substations in the region in the direction of their digitalization.


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How to Cite

Prasol Д., & Saenko А. (2023). The concept of modernizing electrical substations in the energy system of the Belgorod region using digital technologies and solutions. Energy Systems, 8(3), 42–50. Retrieved from