Structuring the quality function as a method of quality control and efficiency of district heating systems


  • Evgeny Gasho National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Moscow
  • Aleksey Fokin National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Moscow
  • Alexandra Kiseleva National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Moscow


qualimetry, heat supply quality, district heating system, energy efficiency, quality indicators


The presented article was devoted to solving theoretical issues related to the assessment of the quality of heat supply, a structured function of the quality of the district heating system was proposed in order to control the quality and efficiency of the district heating system. The quality is ensured by almost all properties of the heat supply system, the number of which is in principle infinite. It should be noted that in the field of district heating, these methods are not given due attention. Quality systems in the energy sector have been developed only for individual cases, mainly in the production of thermal power equipment. The very process of heat supply and the heating system as a whole as a subject of study of qualimetry was not considered. In this regard, the chosen topic is an actual scientific problem, which has both theoretical and applied significance. A structured quality function was built, thanks to which it is possible to solve the main economic problems of quality: to measure the quality of compared options, to estimate the cost of achieving a given quality level, or to determine the quality level based on the available funds for quality assurance, as well as the closely related problem of the payback period of measures to quality improvement.


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How to Cite

Gasho Е., Fokin А., & Kiseleva А. (2019). Structuring the quality function as a method of quality control and efficiency of district heating systems. Energy Systems, 4(1), 19–24. Retrieved from