Directions for improving the energy efficiency of thermal energy generation systems within the framework of the Russian thermal power industry


  • Alexey Biryukov DonNTU
  • Valery Garashchenko DonNTU


thermal energy, monogeneration, cogeneration, multigeneration, related energy systems, energy efficiency, energy conservation, energy efficiency criteria, utilization of thermal pollution, emission reduction


The article discusses the directions of improving the energy efficiency of heat generation systems involved in solving heat supply problems in the Russian Federation. The thermal energy generation system is considered as a set of subsystems of heat generating equipment, movement of gaseous media, preparation and transfer of coolant, reduction and disposal of emissions. Each subsystem consists of corresponding elements. The energy efficiency measures under consideration are analyzed in accordance with the impact on the impact element, other elements of the subsystem, the heat supply system as a whole, as well as other energy supply systems. Due to the importance of environmental problems, as well as the need to optimize the generation of thermal energy by reducing losses at the stages of production, transportation and consumption, elements related to the reduction and disposal of emissions, including thermal pollution of the environment, are allocated to a separate subsystem of the heat generation system. The necessity of a comprehensive consideration of the heat generation system, along with related power supply and energy consumption systems, is shown. Inventory of energy flows, comparison of the actual with the necessary and sufficient amount of energy allows you to determine the possible and necessary ranges of regulation of elements of subsystems of the thermal energy generation system. Due to the large technical wear of heat generation equipment and significant changes in the connected heat load, the need for the development of energy-efficient tasks for the design of reconstruction and new construction of heat generating facilities by start-up complexes is increasing. This makes it possible to achieve the objectives of improving energy efficiency after each stage of reconstruction or construction, as well as to carry out long-term and high-quality planning.


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How to Cite

Biryukov А., & Garashchenko В. (2023). Directions for improving the energy efficiency of thermal energy generation systems within the framework of the Russian thermal power industry. Energy Systems, 8(2), 17–27. Retrieved from